Evolving ASM: Non-Fungible Intelligence


In our most recent paper, "Evolving ASM: The Metaverse AI Protocol," we presented a refined vision for the ASM AI Protocol and expanded its application to a variety of new use cases for intelligent metaverse agents. At its core, the ASM Protocol aims to empower applications to host interoperable, intelligent agents that users can own. This principle remains central to our evolved vision.

With the rise of advanced Large Language Models (LLMs) and Generative AI technology, we have redesigned the protocol and introduced the Murmur Matrix, an innovative framework that provides crucial abilities such as spatial awareness in virtual environments and long-term contextual memory to these increasingly powerful AI agents, enhancing AI interoperability.

Intelligence, traditionally associated with game characters or avatars, now extends to everything within the metaverse. With the Murmur Matrix, environments, materials, music, objects, and more can become intelligent. Memories in the Murmur Matrix evolve based on events or interactions within spatial environments, linking the context of these memories explicitly to the objects themselves. For example, a stone would perceive the world as a stone, just as a human sees the world as a human, with its perception and memories relative to its form.

There are currently three games in-market being actively played by the ASM community and leveraging B.R.A.I.N.S. in three different ways. Through the process of developing these games, we have learned how the ASM AI Protocol interacts with games and agents, and how it is implemented by developers. With the evolution of a larger web3 gaming economy across more chains, these learnings have highlighted some limitations impacting the adoption of the original protocol. This necessitates the need for a shift in the way the ASM AI Protocol operates, scales and in turn generates value for the ASM ecosystem.

The first iteration of the ASM AI Protocol included Genome Mining and PADDI.

PADDI included Web3 contracts for facilitating AI Training and Memory Trees, AI and reinforcement learning code that trains the ASM Brain, AWS code to automagically scale training workload, and the game experience code including game replay amongst other things. This enabled anyone to build ownable AI agents and self hosted infrastructure. 

Genome mining was a gamified mechanism allowing any user supporting the protocol through ASTO and ASTO-USDC LP to mint Gen II B.R.A.I.N.S. using ASTO-Energy, a balance representing ASTO staked over time.

While we achieved some of the technical goals of the protocol vision in establishing the groundwork for interoperable agents in the metaverse, we did not achieve the scale or adoption we need to make that meaningful. This came down to a number of factors including:

  1. The creation of a new collection of B.R.A.I.N.S. required distinctly different genomes. Supporting both Genesis and Gen II B.R.A.I.N.S. simultaneously in applications led to inconsistencies in either the user and developer experience or experiences and unnecessary limitations in game design.
  2. These B.R.A.I.N.S. did not easily work across multi-chain environments.
  3. The requirement for B.R.A.I.N.S. to exist separately from their agent forms or avatars created additional UX complexity for both developers and users especially onboarding new users. 
  4. On-demand scaling of B.R.A.I.N.S. was difficult and complex for developers who could not predict how many B.R.A.I.N.S. they needed and when they needed them, with Genome Mining presenting an unnecessarily lengthy process for the acquisition of new B.R.A.I.N.S. for these projects.
  5. The economy of NFTs has changed significantly, necessitating a revision of how the protocol delivers value to ASTO holders.
  6. The Murmur Matrix has been designed to derive unique characteristics from a Genesis Genome Matrix, which are incompatible with Gen II Matrix maps.

As a result of these learnings, we have designed a new protocol stack and economic model for ASM, adapting the ASM AI Protocol to address these challenges. The new protocol stack and economic model consist of three core components:

  1. The ASM Non-Fungible Intelligence Protocol, an ASM pallet on The Root Network. By paying an ASTO fee into this protocol, anyone can mint NFTs and now also SFTs with baked-in B.R.A.I.N.S., enabling on-demand creation of B.R.A.I.N.S. that scale with developer needs and provide a level playing field for interoperability. 
  2. The ASM Launchpad Protocol, which enables developers on any chain to leverage the growing patent portfolio and IP of the ASM Protocol.
  3. The ASM Void Protocol 2.0, a system developed for ASTO holders to benefit from the value generated by the above two core protocol components.

Nature vs Nurture: Genomes and Murmurs

ASM Genesis B.R.A.I.N.S. remain a foundational element of ASM. The earliest ASM Protocol collectibles introduced the pivotal technology of the Input Value Matrix, placing it directly into the hands of early supporters. This technology derives a Personality, Emotional Palette, and other intrinsic values such as stats, and stores memories against them, as covered by US Patent 11,797,274 B2 and its continuation 12,039,300 B1, and detailed in “Evolving ASM: The Metaverse AI Protocol.”

This represents the Nature, or Genome, of any intelligent agent. Just as humans have innate tendencies but evolve and acquire new skills and behaviors throughout their lives, these immutable values are essential for an agent’s continuity and interactivity. These genomes work in tandem with the ever-evolving Nurture of any agent, the dynamic and writable values of the Murmur Matrix, bringing your agents to life with long-term contextual memory and spatial awareness, fluidly shaping their future interactions and behaviors.

Genesis Genomes are contained within a finite collection of 10,000 tokens, but there is a clear demand from projects utilizing the ASM AI Protocol to generate exponentially more. To address this need, along with other challenges outlined in the background, we have developed the Non-Fungible Intelligence Protocol. This core component of the ASM AI Protocol on The Root Network allows any NFT in the intelligent open metaverse to be minted with, or upgraded to become, a B.R.A.I.N, complete with its own Genesis Genome and Murmur Card.

ASM Non-Fungible Intelligence Protocol

The ASM Non-Fungible Intelligence (NFI) Protocol is a key component of the ASM AI Protocol, implemented as a substrate pallet. This pallet enables users or creators to mint new Non-Fungible Intelligence, referred to as B.R.A.I.N.S. To generate a B.R.A.I.N., a fee is paid in ASTO at the time of generation, contributing to the ASM Void Protocol 2.0. Additionally, existing NFTs can be upgraded to contain embedded intelligent metadata, transforming them into BRAINS.

This intelligent metadata includes a uniquely generated Genesis Genome Matrix and Murmur Card, allowing all B.R.A.I.N.S. created through the NFI Protocol to be part of the Murmur Matrix.

The protocol also introduces a new type of Genome experience, enabling SFT collections to become intelligent. In this scenario, all SFT assets with a shared asset ID share the same intelligent metadata, forming the basis of an Intelligence Hivemind. The experiences and interactions of all SFT assets contribute to the same shared Murmur Card and share the same intelligent traits, learning from the collective interactions of users and agents. Only collection owners can upgrade an existing SFT collection to become intelligent.

B.R.A.I.N.S. can still be minted as stand-alone entities, as they are now, and paired with avatars in games. But importantly now developers can also embed them into any kind of NFT or SFT, as first demonstrated with FLUF World Thingies. For example, a 3D wearable object generated by ASM generative AI could contain a B.R.A.I.N. at birth. An existing avatar, such as a FLUF or AIFA All-Star, could be upgraded to an intelligent one. A music track generated on JEN AI could add a B.R.A.I.N. to interact with the Murmur Matrix. Even a 3D environment in the Readyverse could contain a B.R.A.I.N.S., enabling intelligent interactions and the transfer of contextual data with character agents, NPCs, quest items, and more.

Developers using the ASM AI Protocol can now:

  • Create B.R.A.I.N.S. on demand: Embed them into any asset as their games and applications scale, simplifying development, implementation, and economics.
  • Leverage the new Murmur Matrix feature set: Enhance AI capabilities with spatial awareness and long-term contextual memory.
  • Benefit from implicit licensing: Access patented ASM technologies and continuations by building with the Non-Fungible Intelligence Protocol.

This approach addresses many of the existing model's problems and allows new features to emerge as the ASM AI Protocol evolves with advancements in AI technologies. It also proliferates use cases for B.R.A.I.N.S. and simplifies their adoption and in-game user experience.

The ASM Launchpad Protocol: Tokenized Licensing

ASM has distinguished itself as an early pioneer at the intersection of web3 and AI, inventing many pivotal ideas that have been implemented in a wide range of projects. Many of these foundational ideas are protected under US Patent 11,797,274 B2 and now also its continuation 12,039,300 B1 which further extends the use cases for the ASM Protocol claims covered, providing essential IP protection for anyone building in this space.

As the market has evolved and scaled, we have identified numerous projects across various chains that likely infringe on these patents, along with a growing list of continuation claims. We are committed to creating a fair pathway for these projects to obtain licenses for ASM technologies, fostering a mutual ecosystem for all building at the intersection of web3 and AI technology.

To this end, we propose a new launchpad framework for tokenized licenses to enable open innovation and research in this domain, delivering protocol value to ASM community members. This approach aims to reward those who have supported the ASM ecosystem and to enable new projects to find new users, growing alongside this ecosystem while benefiting from patented innovations.

Note: This new tokenized patent licensing protocol can be extended to cover other innovations or patents granted to Futureverse and can be used by other projects wishing to tokenize their own patents. The licensing protocol itself is also patent pending.

How Does This Work?

  1. Project Vault Creation: Each participating project will create a Project Vault through The Root Network’s upcoming Vault pallet, configured for minimum project token stake or NFT allocation, with vesting and cliffs as needed. Each project will also require an ASM Genesis B.R.A.I.N., tagging their NFT collection metadata or agents with the respective Genesis B.R.A.I.N. ID as a core license validator.
  2. Token Vesting: Tokens within the Project Vault are vested into the ASM Void pool. Upon unlocking at the end of each protocol epoch (a Void cycle), they are rolled up into an ASM Void token. These tokens are backed by the deposits of each project building with the ASM AI Protocol, including the ASTO tokens paid into the Non-Fungible Intelligence Protocol.
  3. Reward Pool: This creates a pool of rewards that can be claimed by participants in the ASM AI Protocol, providing a way for projects to reach new users participating in the ASM Void Protocol 2.0.

Benefits for Developers:

  • Patent Protection: Benefit from the protection of ASM patents even if they don’t use B.R.A.I.N.S.
  • Cross-Chain Innovations: Leverage ASM innovations on other chains.
  • User Acquisition: Reach new users with onboarding incentives for their game or experience through the ASM Void Protocol 2.0.

Benefits for Community Members:

  • Earn Bounties: Community members can earn bounties for referring projects that might benefit from the patent coverage.

Earn Rewards: Community members can earn rewards from the ASM Void Protocol.

Unveiling the ASM Void Protocol 2.0

The final piece of the evolving ASM puzzle is the ASM Void Protocol 2.0. This protocol reimagines ASTO staking and ASTO-Energy mechanics to prioritize their use within the evolved protocol, ensuring that users backing the ASM AI Protocol are rewarded for their activity across all components.

ASM Void Protocol 2.0 allows ASTO holders and liquidity providers to continue staking their tokens to accrue ASTO-Energy. This ASTO-Energy can now be leveraged to claim rewards generated through the ASM Launchpad’s tokenized license mechanics, including the fees paid into the Non-Fungible Intelligence Protocol each time a new B.R.A.I.N. is minted.

Key Features

  1. ASTO Staking and ASTO-Energy Generation: The Void Protocol leverages The Root Network’s innovative staking mechanism, The Vortex. ASTO holders staking against the ASM Void Protocol 2.0 earn ASTO-Energy. User ASTO-Energy generation is increased with multipliers as a function of time staked into the ASM Protocol.
  2. Reward Claiming: At the end of each Void cycle, users can swap their ASTO-Energy for a rolled-up ASM Void token and/or for backing project NFTs vested into the protocol.
  3. Tradability and Redemption: Void tokens will be tradable on The Root Network DEX, assuming there is a liquidity pool with a pair of your choice, or can be unwound by users to redeem an equivalent value of any of the unlocked ASTO or project tokens within the ASM Void pool.


  • License Coverage: This mechanism generates and consumes the required ASTO-Energy to cover licenses for projects in each Void cycle through user ASTO staking.
  • Ecosystem Growth: It allows users staking against the protocol the opportunity to acquire these backing project tokens and NFTs, fostering ecosystem growth and cross-pollination.
  • Community Value: Provides value to the ASM community by rewarding active participants and supporting new projects.

By integrating these elements, ASM Void Protocol 2.0 ensures a robust and rewarding environment for all participants, driving the growth and sustainability of the ASM ecosystem.

The ASM Cornerstone: Existing BRAINS

Existing B.R.A.I.N.S. remain a foundational piece of the ASM AI Protocol, with their Genomes continuing to be used in games like The Next Legends, Grumble, and RAICERS. Developers can continue to integrate these ASM B.R.A.I.N. collections into their experiences and utilize Genesis and Gen II Genome Matrices.

Genesis B.R.A.I.N.S.

ASM Genesis B.R.A.I.N.S. serve a broader purpose in this evolved vision. They are required as part of the new ASM Launchpad Protocol for anyone seeking licenses to ASM patented technologies. Additionally, Genesis B.R.A.I.N.S. will play an exciting new role in an upcoming release related to The Root Network’s evolving architecture which will replace the PADDI protocol for ASM infrastructure.

Gen II B.R.A.I.N.S. (Intelligent Metaverse Land)

In an upcoming season of The Third Kingdom, users will have the opportunity to transform their Gen II B.R.A.I.N.S. into Intelligent SurrealScapes, taking the form of the Alleriya moon, the corner of the metaverse where Gen II B.R.A.I.N.S. were unearthed. Prysms deployed onto Alleriya SurrealScapes will harness the power of ASTO, drawing ASTO rewards from the mysterious Mycelium network of The Third Kingdom. AIFA All-Stars will also play a role in enhancing these rewards. More details will be revealed through The Third Kingdom’s channels at a later stage of development.


As pioneers in the ever-evolving world of AI and web3, ASM and Futureverse are committed to pushing the boundaries of what’s possible. We believe in continuously innovating and enhancing our technology to create new and exciting opportunities for our builders and users.

Core Principles

In our three new core components, we have built upon the learnings since the inception of the ASM Protocol to deliver foundational principles of ASM — ownership, interoperability, and composability in a way that can scale for a wider range of developers and use cases. We look forward to growing the ASM ecosystem and expanding on the vision of truly Open Gaming.